Chris Moore discusses key considerations for US biotechs setting up gene therapy studies in Europe

An article authored by Chris Moore, Clinical Project Manager at Boyds, has been published in Cell & Gene Therapy Insights.

In the viewpoint article: ‘Key considerations for US biotechs setting up gene therapy studies in the UK and Europe’, Chris highlights some of the important things organisations must consider before initiating their study.

Click here to read the full article in BioInsights: Cell & Gene Therapy Insights Journal.

Having successfully led more than 40 phase 1 and phase 2 trials in healthy volunteers and patients, Chris Moore is involved in the day-to-day management of Boyds’ clinical projects, from specific task management, such as site set-up and/or REC submissions, to full-service project management for phase 1–3 trials. He has wide-ranging experience across many therapeutic areas including respiratory, central nervous system and gastro-intestinal products.

Contact the Boyds team to find out more about the clinical and medical affairs services we can provide.
